Why Firing Your Website Is The Only Rational Thing to Do

Man carrying a box of belongings from his office because he's being fired.

When we talk to clients about website design we think about Melissa. Everyone liked her at first. As the new front desk assistant, she seemed professional, had a great resume and interviewed well. Unfortunately, it quickly became clear she was one of our client’s most costly mistakes.

Here’s what happened. Every day at lunch, Melissa’s mom would call the business number–on a recorded line, no less–and talk with Melissa. For two hours. Every day. In those two hours, Melissa would completely ignore the patients in the office and all incoming calls. She not only left a bad impression on clients in the waiting room, but she also missed the opportunity to convert all the incoming new patient calls into appointments.

Would you keep an employee like that?

Now ask yourself: What does your website do for you?
Is it compelling enough to convert visitors into phone calls and appointments?

I know what you’re thinking. You love your website. You probably spent a long time picking the photos, the colors and exactly what you want to say. It probably was awesome when you first got it, but don’t you want a website that also gets the phone ringing?

Be honest: Is your website getting you new patients, or is it sitting there idly taking space on your server? Because no matter how pretty your website is, if it’s not getting you 8-10 new patients a month, it’s dead weight.

Worse, it’s a lost opportunity costing you $156,000 dollars in lost revenue every year.

If this were an employee, you’d do the obvious thing. You’d fire him and find someone with more hustle, more initiative and better customer service skills.

So why are you hanging on to your passive website? MedPB’s medical websites get 79% more patients calling and a 21% bump in conversions. Just think what that kind of results could do for your practice.

“Our Q1 gross revenue is up by 500%, compared to a year ago,” says Lori Klein Gardner, Au.D., Hear Virginia, “Our Q1 net revenue has tripled, our new appointments have nearly doubled per month. Without a doubt, MedPB is the top digital marketing firm and the only choice for practices that want to be competitive and continue to grow.”

So what is the MedPB difference? Here are just three things we do:

Attract More New Patients With SEO

One of the most important jobs your website performs is attracting new patients. More than 70 percent of patients look up a business online before deciding whether to visit them.

When they google practices in your area, do you pop on page one of the search results? Is your copy compelling enough that people visit your site? Good website design is an art. MedPB specializes in medical website design for audiologists and otolaryngologists. We know what attracts patients for our clients, which is why the average practice sees a 43.8% increase in visitors after signing up for our SEO services.

Medical Website Design That Gets Appointments

Designing websites for medical practices is a specialized field. When a patient comes to your site they not only want the information to be structured in a way that they can quickly find what they are looking for…they want to know it’s trustworthy and HIPAA compliant. The design needs to be attractive, sure, and reassuring, but it also needs to subtly guide them to take action and contact you.

Build Trust With Reviews

As a practitioner, you know the value of a good referral. People trust their family physicians, friends and family. Online reviews are like referrals that are visible to the entire local community. They’re much more compelling than any sales copy because they are real reviews from real patients.

The problem is that many practices are just uncomfortable asking for them. MedPB helps practices get reviews easily and seamlessly flows them right back onto your website. “In the last 90 days we’ve received 21 new reviews,” says Mary Goodacre, Au.D., Staten Island Audiological Services, Staten Island, NY. “The Online Review Builder and the training we received were great and I’d highly recommend it for anyone in private practice.“

Is your website getting you at least 8 to 10 new patients a month?
If not, Let’s talk.

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